These words, just part of a song set to a The Sound of Music tune and performed by many students, pretty accurately describe my experience at the Children's Ministries Institute(R). In March I returned to Child Evangelism Fellowship (R) headquarters in Warrenton, Missouri to complete the last five weeks of the institute and graduated in April. Each morning at the institute we gathered for devotions and prayer, followed by five classes on a variety of subjects such as ministry strategy and leadership essentials.
We also taught weekly Good News Clubs in area schools, and some of us were able to help with the children's programs at area churches. Since CMI students are housed in dorms in the headquarters building, the fellowship did not end when classes did. Although it was hard to go our separate ways after connecting with people from all over the U.S. and other countries who shared a love for God and a passion to bring His love to children, I am excited to be one step closer to ministering to the children in Burkina Faso.
While I was at CEF headquarters, I also received exciting news that brought me even closer to the goal. A budget correction and some new donors had vaulted my support level over the 90% mark. I now need to raise just $250 per month.
Thank you so much for your partnership!
- All of the partners in ministry, like you, who pray and give!
- My graduation from CMI.
- God will give me wisdom as I help train youth to teach 5-Day Clubs for children. The training will take place May 31-June 12.
- God will provide workers and church partners for a pioneering ministry event in which I will be participating in Boston July 19-31. CEF workers from around the country will gather to teach 5-Day Clubs and train church partners to continue children's ministry thoughout the year.
- God would provide the remaining 7% of my support.
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