Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November Newsletter--Forgiving the Builders of Babel

Picture 1) The view from the front door of my apartment on campus.

Picture 2) Downtown Sherbrooke, the third largest city in Quebec, where my language school is located.

Picture 3) I still haven't been to the U.S. capitol, but I’ve been to Canada’s Parliament building in Ottawa while visiting a friend.

I’m afraid of peanuts. Not really, but accidentally change a few letters in French, and my fear of spiders transforms into a fear of salted baking ingredients. Needless to say, since I began language school in September, I’ve made my share of mistakes, all the while wishing I could travel back in time to seriously injure (or at least sabotage) the builders of the Tower of Babel.

You certainly have to admire God’s ingenuity when it comes to humbling us; no human would have conceived the idea of assigning every French noun a gender (Why are beards feminine while women’s shirts are masculine?) or of creating a plethora of languages with a plethora of different accents within each one (When my Quebecois pastor says the word for God, he sounds like an African French speaker saying the word for hard.). And yet God is the one who gives us the ability to learn new languages despite these barriers.

It makes me appreciate the fact that His strength is made perfect in weakness. If any child’s life will one day be transformed by a message I share in broken French, that child will have no doubt whatsoever that it wasn’t me doing the transforming.

Language-learning is tough, frustrating, and slow, but I’m blessed that God has brought me to Canada for a year to learn French and to grow closer to Him while attending class each day with the three other intermediate students, completing my daily Rosetta Stone and French media requirements, along with my weekly French church and French social activity attendance requirements, and just learning to live life and build relationships when I can’t say or understand everything I’d like to. I can’t wait to be able to praise Him in two languages.

Praise God for:
· Though I planned to attend language school in West Africa, the fact that I’m still in North America means I can visit friends who live nearby, go home for Christmas, and even make the occasional trip across the border for cheaper groceries or to mail newsletters to you, my wonderful friends for whom I am so thankful.
· The six missionary families who are also studying French and living on campus, and who are a huge blessing to me.

Please Pray for:
· My attitude as I learn French, that I would not get frustrated but would have patience, perseverance, and even joy through the process.
· That I would be able to build relationships with people here and that I would be able to see opportunities to reach out to them and bless them.

August Newsletter--Time for a Psychiatric Checkup?

Picture 1) 18 of us crammed into this crate during a realistic hostile rebel scenario.

Picture 2) Teens take a break from classes to play pillow basketball.

The past three months have me wondering if I’m due for a psychiatric checkup. For a week in North Carolina I met with West Africans, who were certainly crazy for planning prayer meetings at 6:30 a.m…right before the 7:00 one with the crazy people from every other region of the world. I donned pink war paint and spent three weeks with large groups of teenagers in Kansas, Nebraska, and Kentucky, even pelting teens with pillows as they shot baskets. I worked with two teens to share the Gospel with Louisville zoo animals—kids actually, but since one 5-Day Club® lesson was about Noah, we gave opportunities to act like favorite wildlife (which for this inner city group actually brought improved behavior). Then I moved out of my apartment and headed to Colorado, where 18 other missionaries and I crammed into a dark crate while our teachers pretended to be rebel forces, complete with realistic guns, bomb sound-effects, and burning objects. They let us out to sit for hours looking closely at their mouths and repeating odd sounds.

You’re probably wondering how this classifies as ministry. Well, the crazy morning prayers started out each day of the Child Evangelism Fellowship® International Conference, where we were challenged to remember because of God’s strength, “Time we spend on our knees is more important than time we spend in the office.”

I then taught teens how to teach children about God. We kept busy with classes and practicums from around 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., with breaks for pillow basketball, ultimate Frisbee, and decking out in war paint as part of the classroom competition between the flamingo and frog teams.

In 5-Day Clubs, many children who had not responded to the Gospel during a year of Good News Club® accepted Christ as Savior.

In Colorado, missionaries from several organizations gathered for training on responding to stress (hence the rebel forces), maintaining joy in foreign fields, and making sounds from foreign languages (hence the looking in mouths).

The craziness, long days, and over 80 hours in the car were worth it, not just because kids came to Christ or because I’m better prepared for ministry, but because I know each step on my path—the joyful, crazy, hard, and scary—is a gift God prepared especially for me.
Next up comes craziness in Canada as this September I start a year of French language school in Quebec.

Praise God That:
· Through Christian Youth in Action® I had the privilege to help train over 100 teens to share their faith effectively.
· I learned a lot from the wonderful CEF® team in Kentucky and successfully completed my internship.
· When the French language school I planned to attend in Senegal fell through at the last minute, God guided me to a missionary language school in Sherbrooke, Quebec (Word of Life Bethel) that accepted me last minute.

Please Pray That:
· I will learn French quickly and effectively and find joy in having my brain fried for about seven hours per day :)
· God will provide good community among the students and me at language school.

May Newsletter--Back in My Day

Pictures 1 and 2) The kids love review time at Good News Club.

Picture 3) At Missionary Training School in Warrenton, Missouri, I learned how to prepare for my first term, along with friends and fellow new missionaries who all agree that Burkina Faso is number one (or were perhaps bribed to pose for this picture).

I started feeling old on my tenth birthday when I realized my age was in the double digits. Now, approaching the quarter century mark, I cringe to think it’s been a decade since my freshman year of high school and two decades since I gave my life to Christ. I’m exceedingly grateful God was working in my heart so long ago, but I’d rather not be able to use the words “long ago” to describe any part of my life. In college I stopped praying that God would slow down time and started thinking of each day as one step closer to Heaven.

Then I felt God’s calling into long-term missions and was so excited to go to Burkina Faso I had to force myself to finish college. And then I found out that with support-raising and children’s ministry training, internship and language school it would be years before I reached the field. But the other day, I woke up and realized that less than a third of a year from now I’ll be in Africa. My first reaction was closer to respiratory failure than joyful gratitude.

You see, it’s also been a long time since I’ve been to Burkina Faso (almost four years), and time can make you forget how much you love the children of a country, and spiritual battle can make you forget that the God who holds time in His hands not only walks with you but also draws you closer to Him through the hard things He calls you to. The funny thing is that the things that I don’t want to let go of here are all blessings given to me by the God I sometimes have a hard time trusting. Each of you who get this letter and pray for me are another reason that I don’t want to leave the country and do what you’re praying about.

So as I finish my internship in Kentucky, I’ve been crying along with some of my Good News Club® children who didn’t want their club to ever end. As I help prepare for Kentucky summer ministry before heading to Colorado for pre-language school and cultural training, I’m continually reminding myself of God’s promises that He’ll always be with me and that His strength is made perfect in weakness. I can’t thank you enough for praying with me!

Praise God for:
· Each member of the body of Christ who has blessed me through prayer, support, friendship, and love.
· What I’ve learned about ministry and for how God has strengthened me through my internship.

Please Pray for:
· Me as I prepare to head overseas, both that I will figure out how to get visas and ship things to myself and that I will joyfully put my trust in our Amazing Savior.
· The youth and young adults who will take intensive training in the next few weeks on how to teach summer 5-Day Clubs and for me and other staff as we teach them.