Friday, October 30, 2009

World's Worst Beggar

pictures 1) A group of us pray for children around the world at the Children's Ministries Institute.
2) Some of the teachers get involved in a Nerf war.
3) A group of us perform a skit demonstrating age group characteristics.

I've taught kids that God answers prayer three ways: yes, no, or wait. But occasionally I try to make a loophole. Last year I begged God to provide enough support that I could begin training in January 2009, thinking a forced yes/no answer would improve my chances. God still went with wait.

I did attend the first seven weeks of the Children's Ministries Institute(R) this fall. I learned how to teach toddlers, challenge children in spiritual growth, teach adults to teach children, and much more. Just as profusely as I had begged God to put me in the spring class, I now thanked Him for "ignoring" me. Our fall class prayed together, sought God together, and shot each other with Nerf guns, and I thanked God for putting me in this group at this time. Even the teachers were impressed with our class.

I began praying that I could finish all of CMI with this class and then begin the next step of my preparation (internship). I painfully accepted God's no and returned to raising support. I guess I have a habit of begging God for smaller blessings than He has planned.

I am in a support-raising lull. Support and ideas for how to raise it are coming slowly. Still, I want to prepare for minstry by seeking God, studying French and books on West Africa, and doing all I can to glorify God in this time. David was anointed king twenty years before his enthronement. I haven't yet spent twenty years preparing for my ministry (God, please no!), and though sometimes the slow progress makes me doubt my calling, I've decided that since the Bible tells of wait-ers like David, Abraham, and Joseph, God will have to do a whole lot more than make me wait if He wants to guide me somewhere else. Now I just can't wait to see how His plan will turn out better than mine!

Praise God That:
I was able to attend seven weeks of Children's Ministries Institute.
God always has something better when He answers prayers no or wait.

Please Pray That:
God will provide ideas and opportunities to raise support.
I will trust God's timing and be able to use this slow time to prepare for ministry.

I am currently at 64% of my regular support goal.

Friday, August 14, 2009

He Turns Shootings to Shoutings of Joy

picture 1: I teach the missions story.
picture 2: One of our clubs demonstrates how much fun they had during the week.

"Little Rock has the highest per capita murder rate in the nation," the police officer explained. As CEF workers from 26 states sat in our training session near the clubs we would teach in Little Rock, the officer continued, "But crime has decreased recently. Now there are only eight, ten, maybe twelve shootings per week." Only? I thought, I come from a place where one shooting per year is a lot. Why didn't I do more research on Little Rock before I decided to come? But it was too late now, and I was realizing how much the children of such a city need hope and love. I had joined 105 other CEF workers for a week of teaching a total of 90 5-Day Clubs. Each of the 30 teams partnered with a local church that hosted a concluding rally for the children and their families and will continue in long-lasting ministry to the children. By the end of the week, I hadn't witnessed any shootings (except by marshmallow gun), I felt like a part of the Spanish-speaking church family with whom my team partnered (even though my attempts at Spanish usually ended in French), and I had to resist the urge to beg the 50 children from my clubs to come home with me. A girl named Cynthia said, "I didn't believe in God before I came to club, but now I do." A boy named Jordan exclaimed, "I'm coming to church here Sunday." Noah and Ryan read the entire comic book version of Luke in three days. As I returned to my regular work of raising support, I prayed in the words of Chris Tomlin, "Greater things have yet to be done in this city." And I wondered what part these kids would have in those things.

Praise God That:

Over 1,800 Little Rock children attended clubs with over 250 salvations.

Even though I am short on support, I have received permission to attend the first 7 weeks of CEF's Children's Ministries Institute in Warrenton, MO (August 18-October 9). This training may actually help me raise my remaining support.

Please Pray That:

The children in Little Rock will stay connected to their host churches and will grow in their relationships with God.

God will continue to provide support and opportunities to raise support even as I focus on training instead.

Monday, May 18, 2009

May Newsletter--ABC News: Ministry Style

I am currently at 52% of my regular support.

Picture 1: During the CEF conference, I was able to rest from raising support and enjoy a few hours in the Cayman Islands and Jamaica.

Picture 2: The regional conference provided an opportunity to meet CEF workers from several countries.

My main work continues to be raising financial support for my ministry, both in Kansas and Indiana. I also attended CEF®’s regional conference the first week of May. CEF was blessed with an excellent deal through a Christian group that allowed us to have the conference on a Caribbean cruise. Here are some ABC’s about what I’ve done since February.

I have:

· Applied for Little Rock ‘09 (CEF workers from across the U.S. will gather in Little Rock, AR for two weeks this summer in an effort to greatly increase outreach to children in this city. We will teach several 5-Day Clubs (similar to Vacation Bible School) and train teachers from partnering churches to continue children’s ministry through the rest of the year.)

· Behaved like a pre-schooler (Conference work-shops covered topics from pre-school-friendly Gospel presentations to training new leaders.)

· Called churches regarding possible support

· Directed the drama of Peter escaping prison (During one church presentation, I directed children to act out this story that illustrates the importance of praying for other believers.)

· Eaten escargot (The cruise included meals, with the option to try the unusual and fancy. At least it tasted better than it looked.)

· Folded 300 letters

· Given ministry presentations at churches

· Hosted an African party (My Hoosier housemates and I hosted a house meeting to present my ministry to a group of mostly college-aged individuals. And they all thought my African food was more edible than escargot!)

· Implemented a new strategy for raising my remaining support (Now that I’ve talked to 600 people/families and 500 churches, I decided to send letters to people I talked to over half a year ago who never responded, asking them to reconsider partnering in the ministry.)

· Jet skied (We had some free time in Jamaica.)

· Kept records of ministry data (Sometimes I feel like I need a secretary.)

· Labeled and stamped 300 envelopes

· Mailed ministry information to churches and individuals

· Negotiated (We bartered for crafts at a Jamaican market.)

· Prayed for my prayer supporters

· Quizzed myself over French vocabulary

· Regularly reported activities and ministry progress to CEF headquarters

· Stuffed and sealed 300 letters

· Turned an inappropriate comment into time for testimony (As my conference roommate and I were leaving the Jamaican market, vendors kept pushing us to buy more. I told them, “I have no more money,” and a man standing nearby (jokingly?) said, “I’ll give you money.” We ended up talking to him about how God is in control, even amidst pain. It was certainly the most interesting way I’ve ever started a conversation about God.)

· Visited Hell (This small town in Grand Cayman Island is known for rock formations that look like they belong in Hell. It was a good reminder of how important it is to tell children about the Way to Heaven.)

· Worshipped with CEF workers from Russia, Guyana, the Bahamas, and many more places

· Zipped down a water slide at Margaritaville (Yes, that was all we did there.)

Praise God That:
· I have achieved 100% of my prayer support goal and over half of my financial support.
· I was able to attend the CEF regional conference.
Please Pray That:
· I will raise 80% of my financial support by August in order to reach my goal of beginning the Children’s Ministries Institute this fall.
· Many CEF workers and Little Rock churches will be able to participate in Little Rock ‘09 and establish continuing children’s ministry that will reach many children.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February Newsletter--In the Mean Time

picture: I share about my ministry and needs with a friend.
I am currently at 41% of my regular support.

24 calls made, 4 letters written, 1 presentation given, everything recorded. For everyone wondering what a missionary candidate raising support does in a typical day, the answer is we talk. A lot. Since I started raising support in May, I’ve spoken with about 1,800 people. (If I had a nickel for every time I said “Burkina Faso”…) Back when that number was 2 digits, I didn’t realize how long raising full support takes. But God has His own purposes fulfilled in periods of waiting, when all we can do is press on toward the eventual achievement of our goals.

I’d like to do something a little different and share a poem I wrote about my own eventually, when I’ll finally be on my way to Burkina Faso. Don’t be shocked: you were aware of this danger when you signed up for a newsletter from someone who recently earned her degree in writing.


Eventually you will rise,
ears popping, on wings of dawn, and as you descend
to settle on the far side of the sea, you will fix your gaze—
past the glinting metal wings that have born you

and your last caress of air conditioning, your last
access to properly flushing eau de toilettes, and
speaking of which, your last exposure to English,
as well as God’s last (passed) chance to smash
the prospering plans He has for you—you will

peer into the place where you will pour yourself
out like a drink offering over the scattered seeds,
and you will pray like you never have before
for yourself, for the unseen child below who
unbends from her family’s field to wave at the craft
carrying the courier of her salvation and for

the barefoot one who is right that moment slipping
the soccer ball past the goalie like your words
will one day slip through his fingers…until eventually
they lodge in the toes of his adult frame, planting
hundredfold crops in the prints left wherever he walks,
crops that you won’t taste until you stand forever by that
most distant sea,

Prayer Requests
Praise God That:

I have been able to stay with my sister and two friends in Indiana. It has been wonderful to watch and learn from their ministry to people in the inner city.

I am surrounded by churches. There are close to 100 churches in Marion and many more in the area that I have contacted about being a part of my ministry.

Please Pray That:

God will provide full support in His perfect timing and I will have patience and trust in that timing.

God will give me wisdom about where I should travel and visit as I run out of contacts in more familiar places.